All Faith Formation Classes are held at this time.
The faith of a child is a precious, pure, and beautiful thing that requires careful and continuous cultivation to grow to its full potential. In order to assist in this wondrous process Holy Spirit offers Faith Formation Classes every Sunday from 10:15-11:15 am for Kindergarten to High School aged children.
To register, parents or guardians will need to submit a completed registration form, a baptismal certificate if baptized or birth certificate BEFORE the first class day of the Sunday school year.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for those who want to enter the Catholic Church who are over the age of seven. These specialized course cover the sacraments of baptism, first communion, and confirmation. To register for this course please contact our office.
Our Faith Formation Classes include the specialized two consecutive year courses for first communion and reconciliation for 1st and 2nd grades, and confirmation for grade 9th and above. Confirmation candidates must be 15 years old at the time they are Confirmed.
Teachers and assistants of Faith Formation Classes must attend and pass Safe Environment Training to ensure the safety of the children in our care, as REQUIRED by the Diocese of Raleigh. To attend a training, please contact our office.
There are many special events and practices for the students in Faith Formation that both students, parents, and godparents/sponsors are required to attend. Below are the upcoming events to remain aware of.
In order to register your child(ren) for Faith Formation Classes please make sure to complete a registration form. These forms can be downloaded from the link below and printed. Books will be purchased from the Parish.
Registration Form
Files coming soon.