Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our parish listed here, and for those who are not listed but are in need of prayers. Pray especially for:
We kindly ask that you pray for the following parishioners and loved ones: Fr. Bill John, Jean Barber, Aiden Betts, Mike Bridwell, Jerome Brown, Amy Danza, Sheryl Dipnarinesingh, Ana Fostanes, Dennis Goodson, Mary Alice Hargitt, Fabian & Joyce Hayden, Maria Herrera, Johnny Hinson, Bryan Hodge, Jamie Hoyt, Pat Kasprzyk, Bonnie and Andrew Kasper, Shelly King, Zeke Kochmalny, Colleen Kosinski, Susan McDonald, Ivory Meadows, Irvin Parker, Jack Purcell, Rodolfo Rodriguez, Christine Shannon, Jon Shackelford, Jean Stalnaker, Vincent & Edward Stone, John & Julie Stowawy, Karen Stubbs, Harvey Tyndall, Crystal Wackerson, Tim Warren, and Dennis Willis.
Into Your Hand O Lord, we commend the souls of our dearly departed.
Let us hold in prayer the family and friends of the departed. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.
What return can I make to the Lord for all the goodness He has done for me?
Would you serve the parish community as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Altar Server, Musician, Choir Member, Parish Council, Finance Council, Event Organizer? So many ways to help, maybe you have another idea? Talk to your Pastor!
The flowers we enjoy each weekend are donated by parishioners for various reasons: in memory of a deceased loved one, celebrating a special event such as baptism, marriage or anniversary, or as a loving gift. Will you help? Please contact the office 252-523-8898.
God is the father with open arms. Who will preach this good news of reconciliation?
Is God asking you to serve as a priest or deacon, brother or sister? (Luke 15:1-32)
Stay informed by downloading our latest bulletin! Each week has current and upcoming information about what is happening in our community and parish.
While shopping at Food Lion, you can also share a portion of your MVP savings with Holy Spirit Catholic Church. To link you MVP care for this additional donation to the church - just visit www.foodlion.com/inthecommunity/shopandshare to link your MVP card to Holy Spirit. If you do not have a MVP card, next time you are shopping at Food Lion be sure to pick one up. If you need help with linking your card, please call the pastoral office at (252) 523-8898 for assistance. We will gladly link your card for you. We need at least twenty five (25) people to register their cards before we can start earning any savings. The more who sign up, the greater the potential earnings are for the Church.
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